Meet Our Staff

Randy Hurt, Director of Missions: Randy has been serving as the Director of Missions for the Atoka-Coal Baptist Association since 2015. Prior to stepping into the role of DOM, Randy served as a Youth Pastor, an Associate Pastor, and led an Outdoor Ministry. Having served in the ministry for over 15 years, Randy’s passion is to see people come into a personal relationship with Jesus! Along with serving the ACBA, Randy is an active member of Southside Baptist Church and leads worship weekly for Celebrate Recovery. Randy is married to his wife, Tahrea, and they have three sons (Tucker and wife Emily, Fisher, and Ryder) and one daughter (Shyler).
Casey Hauff, Celebrate Recovery Coordinator: Casey has been serving as the coordinator of our Celebrate Recovery Program from the moment it began. Casey, like hundreds of others, will testify that God uses this ministry to point people to Jesus and changes their lives. Casey is married to his wife, Randi, and they have three daughters. Randi also helps serve in other ministry areas which include the Sarah House and the Lighthouse.